Gigi Becali a dezvăluit cum au decurs negocierile cu un patron din Superliga, pentru un fotbalist de la FCSB: este gata să îl vândă de 3 ori mai ieftin. Patronul lui FCSB a mai ratat […] The post Gigi Becali a negociat cu un patron din Superliga pentru mijlocaşul de la FCSB. Îi vinde fotbalistul de 3 ori mai ieftin decât l-a cumpărat în vară: „Să aibă bani să-i dea salariul” appeared first on Prosport.
The main idea of the text is that Gigi Becali, owner of FCSB, is selling a midfielder from his team to another Superliga (Romanian top league) club at a significant discount – three times lower than what he paid for him in the summer. The reason given is to help the buying club afford to pay the player's salary.
The text also includes a call to action, encouraging readers who have information to reach out via email.
The main idea of the text is that Gigi Becali, owner of FCSB, is selling a midfielder from his team to another Superliga (Romanian top league) club at a significant discount – three times lower than what he paid for him in the summer. The reason given is to help the buying club afford to pay the player's salary. The text also includes a call to action, encouraging readers who have information to reach out via email.